There is a Greek mass on Saturday morning and a French mass on Sunday, separated by both a day and by a world of experiences. The French mass finds African believers pressed close together in small but sturdy pews, while others stand, their eyes fixed to God, their shoulders brushing their neighbors and their tired feet forgotten.
In Chicago, I sit in St Gregory’s each Sunday with everything I need and yet I furiously challenge God, I rail at complacent humanity and I curse blind faith. Meanwhile, those who have lost nearly everything, those who have faced terror and fear, those who have put their trust in a tiny boat and the grace of God..They are found each week on their knees in the little church in the heart of Mytilene.
Recently a young man who was a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, drowned while crossing the Mediterranean with hope for a chance at life. This afternoon, the Church of the Assumption hosted the funeral. As the choir shuffled music and warmed up, the coffin was brought in with shouts and sobs echoing beyond the open doors to the street outside. At the conclusion of the ceremony as the coffin was removed, a raw keening wail rose, the visceral harshness merging with the recessional hymn. The hairs on my arms raised and my face was wet with my inability to remain detached.
In the coming days and years, I will remember the ache of singing broken by sobs. I will carry their cries and wailing with me, accompanied by the sound of hands desperately grabbing the wood of a coffin. Their humanity and grief cannot be forgotten.
There is so much beauty here; a late night guitar, the taste of the sea, the light of a beautiful friend, voices raised as one, a snoring ginger kitten. But reality is harsh and unrelenting. Tonight a child died in the safe zone outside Moria. How do we reconcile these things? What are we doing as Christians to change things and to ease pain? Better yet, what can we be doing as humans. These are not rhetorical questions. What am I doing? What are you doing? It is time to get to work.