Thank you! (most effective when said with eye contact and a look of desperate gratitude for being spared extra kilometers down the wrong path.)
I have never been able to sleep at night. From reading by night light as a child to overnighters in a practice room in college, to present day 3am popcorn, the deepest part of night has always been a time existing only for me, a time when I belong to only me. It has never mattered the contents of my day. I could wake at 7am to run a marathon and still lie awake at 2am that night. This, of course, has led to many groggy mornings cantoring for Sunday masses and the Camino is no different. I woke early today, spent my day walking across this welcoming country, and still I lie awake. But the mat I am sleeping on is surprisingly comfortable, the cool wind battering the house is a lullaby and I can almost see the stars through the tiny skylight 3 feet above me. So, if my thoughts race with the frenzy of a dervish, who am I to fight?
Earlier in the evening...
"When you get to Porto, you must buy a cavaquinho," João said with much conviction. As if one ukulele in my backpack wasn't enough, now I needed the Portuguese equivalent too! Our pilgrim number had grow to the overwhelming number of two. Alexander had joined us, a tall, light eyed, 29 year old man from England and after showing Alexander around the albergue, João announced that he would be heading home to Lisbon for dinner. While packing up, he asked what we each did for a living.
"I am a teacher," I say.
"Ah, I could tell. What do you teach?"
"Music," I reply.
João sits down heavily and props his chin on his hand. "I just LOVE music! And Opera...ah! I will stay and have dinner with you both."
Over a dinner of omelettes, French fries, beefsteak and iceberg lettuce at Maria's bar just around the corner, we chatted of passion and music, work and the Camino.
"The Camino will change her life," João said while nodding towards the bar's overworked proprietor, "just a few extra dinners a day will make a difference!"
I said a quiet "obrigado," as Maria took my empty plate and offered me a tired smile in return.
After João wished us a fond "Buen Camino," and locked us snuggly in for the night, Alexander and I continued talking a bit more, centering our conversation on politics. Alexander, who works in government for the trade ministry, confided that coming to terms with Brexit had physically made him ill for the first few days.
After working for changing governments, Alexander succinctly summed up his plight by saying, "My job is to make the best of decisions that I had no part in making." And with that he was off to sleep as I began my nightly ritual of contemplating ceilings.
Alpiarte to Vilafranca de Xira: 20km along the N-10 highway and the Rio Tejo
I am in the middle of a balloon fight. The walking has ended for the day, and we had a wonderful lunch of bread, smoked peppers, cheese and tomatoes, before Alexander headed back to the hostel for a short siesta. I have remained on the park bench, covered by a canopy of kind trees, and surrounded by pigeons. (I am a messy eater.) There is an empty gazebo to my right and a tiny cafe to my left on the river's edge. A group of about ten middle school girls, armed with the freedom of summer and egged on by one wayward little brother, have just finished a burping contest and have now commenced to an all out Armageddon of water ballooned fury. Their aim is atrocious.
Lisboa to Alpiarte 22-24 km ( depending on which guide you use)

I almost cheated, but how could I not consider it when they put a cable car directly in line with the Camino?? If I am honest, the only thing that stopped me from riding the beautiful cable car along side the river rather than walking, was the worry that I would miss an arrow and accidentally end up in Latvia.
Today was rumored to be an ugly day, every guide and blog that I read had said so, but I was pleasantly surprised. Walking out of any city has an industrial quality to it and Lisbon was no different. But after about 8 km trudge, a pilgrim finds herself walking the landscaped boardwalk through the Parque das Nações, complete with sculptures and art sprinkled throughout. (With the aforementioned cable car..) ..and by the way, there were no arrows before the end of the cable car.
It is highly likely that much of the Camino had been slightly rerouted, as I managed to stay off the highway for nearly the duration of the stage. However, one stretch of pretty farm road walking through a valley next to the river Tejo and lined with bamboo, turned out to be 5km longer than I expected it to be. I am not sure how that happened.
I am currently in a cute freshly painted albergue in Alpiarte, a tiny one street town, and I am the only pilgrim here. João, or "John" as he says, is my sweet middle aged mustached host. My clothes are drying on the line (which will take about 4 minutes in this sun..) And I am starving!
Update: I have a bag of chips and a"Sumol," the Portuguese version of Fanta, except this one actually has fruit juice.. I am in a bar with five old men, watching a bad American action movie dubbed in Portuguese. Life is good!
A river as wide as the Mississippi
Tiny stones
Smaller than San pietrini
Deadly in heels
Steep hills and unexpected panoramas
Hot sun in an azure sky
Tiled houses, brightly colored
Balconies and birds
Narrow streets
echoing sounds of
streetcars and scooters
A castle a monastery
A cacophony of languages
A quiet church and a kind man
A street artist protesting
as artists do
Touching up his masterpiece
Is that Andrea Tarli?
Perhaps I will have another look
Gelato twice a day
A soft sunset
the strains of the Fado singers
An old woman preening for a photo
Lisboa shakes with energy
Enormous flags
A grandmother with blue eyeshadow
and a Reynaldo jersey
Holding her grandsons beer
Facepaint and a crush of people
A father and son laughing
Dark skin straight noses
Bedoin features creating beauty
The fathers midnight hair sprinkled
dramatically with white.
Young girls with flowing shorts
A couple with no air between
French speakers trading scarves
A roar in unison
Shouts and countless selfies
Pure unadulterated joy
A tiny whitewashed courtyard
dark with night
Laundry hanging
A neighbor sneezing so often
I may have his cold
Loud Hindi soaps punctuated by
a newborns cry
Cats howling warnings
Soft guitar music underneath
Cars honking
A garbage truck
C'est vrai??
It's 2am!!
In a few hours the walking