Friday, July 10, 2015

A Bad Pilgrim

A bad pilgrim realizes that she forgot her clothes while showering in an albergue.

A bad pilgrim has a slow coffee before starting her day.

A bad pilgrim may not shower one day, thus smelling like the inside of a soccer gym bag.

A bad pilgrim doesn't ring her clothes out enough and walks in perpetually wet socks.

A bad pilgrim  acquires troll feet, due to crappy lacing and an ignoring of hot spots. ( and the aforementioned wet socks.)  

A bad pilgrim lusts after sexy Spanish men and occasionally winks at cyclists.

A bad pilgrim arrives at 10:05pm, out of breath and sweaty every night at the albergue. She then discovers that she doesn't know where her glasses are and rustles around in her bag.. Until people hate her.

A bad pilgrim occasionally stays in a hotel.. Especially when her ovaries are swollen..
A bad pilgrim gazes longingly at scooters, missing the feel of the wind in her hair and on her skin.

A bad pilgrim sneaks out for late night gelato and then lingers at a movie being shown in a square.

A bad pilgrim curses Saint James while hiking every incline. 

A bad pilgrim takes a day off to lay on a beach. 

A bad pilgrim finishes walking after 5 pm.

A bad pilgrim has a bag that weighs more than ten pounds. 

A bad pilgrim is jealous of all the beautiful Spanish women and longs for her makeup and hair dryer. 

A bad pilgrim uses three languages in one sentence. 

A bad pilgrim doesn't have NorthFace or Columbia and may even wear cotton.

A bad pilgrim eats the cream croissant when she knows she shouldn't and spends the rest of the day looking for bushes.

A bad pilgrim can't remember the name of the last town.. Or the next.

A bad pilgrim occasionally ignores the arrows, choosing her own way, despite Saint James whispering a warning in her ear. 

A bad pilgrim is not sure of what she believes or if she is on the right path.

A bad pilgrim does not let go of the other paths.

A bad pilgrim makes bad choices.

... Or is afraid to make choices at all.

I  am all of these things.

I am a bad pilgrim.

I am a pilgrim.

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