Arrigo started the Camino with a white shirt thinking it would be cool. He was right but his shirt turned a lovely shade of brownish grey with fabulous sweat stains.
Garden statues are fantastically gaudy. I have seen both lions and dragons with soccer balls and on one occasion, I saw a house with a large statue of Venus, her breasts bare while the neighbors had a statue of Jesus with the bleeding heart facing her.
The churches are stunning but icons with real hair are just plain creepy. I will never change my mind on this
Speaking of vanity, my legs look as though they are covered in scales.
I always have toilet paper in my pocket, except for the one time I need it.
My little tank of a camera is holding up well, though tuna oil is hard to get off of the filter.
I try to challenge myself each day to using different settings on the camera, but when the sun is high and hot, I guiltily slink back to the automatic setting.
Vapur water bottles are ass and are only good for drinking water from the luxury of the couch. Otherwise they burst, soaking everything you own.
The shooting stars here are incredible.
I am learning to write anywhere, in bed after every one is asleep, in a cafe, under a tree, next to a school complete with screaming children, in my head while someone is talking to me. This ability should come in handy as I return to being a student this fall.
I have a pretty silk scarf with me, something I have not brought on past Caminos. It's amazing how a scarf can make any outfit seem appropriate for any occasion.
The scarf smells like tuna.
The salesman at Eddie Bauer lied when I asked him if the pants would stretch were I to wear and hand wash them 30 days in a row.
Chocolate melts. This must never be forgotten.
For the love of God, what distance is 500 meters??
I bought a new pocket knife here that is not recognizably serrated on one side. I have cut myself twice.
John said that Monica had been harassed by men all across the country. I dismissed that but within two blocks of leaving Alex, a man stopped his car and offered to drive me to Santiago. This happened 3 times today. I miss walking with my strong young men.
Nearsighted... |
Time is relative. 8pm means 8:47pm
Light switches are never in the same place. I am always looking for them and as a result, have spent many dark moments in bathrooms.
You can drink in the streets, taking your beer and wine wherever you go!
There is much garbage dumped in the forests. Pilgrims spend their days walking over the tiled remains of the old bathroom of someone's granny.
Bread and sardine trucks arrive into town, blaring their horns. People come out of their houses to buy their day's bread. I need this to happen in Chicago!
Roman roads are a magical novelty to walk on, coming from America where we are indoctrinated with the new.
Breakfast of a cafe and a pastel de nata costs from anywhere from 1€ normally up to 1.5€ in the more expensive towns.
Three pasteis de natas a day is bordering on ridiculous, isn't it?
I will not, I repeat, I will not under any circumstances, wash my husband's socks. He is a capable grown man.
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